The Infamous PIGMINT ART Blog That Is Just So Pigminty FRESH!

my all-encompassing, super-exciting art/photo blog.

(c)2005-2008 Vanissa W. Chan, all rights reserved.

Monday, December 12, 2005

one more day.

if only i could have one more day for a weekend. but anyway, the reason for the title, it's the title of the song derek james and i are animating. and that there...i a little sketch of james and ophelia, starring in soon-to-be-the-most-rockin'-animated-music video ever known to mankind. YEAAAHHH!!!

the holidays are RIGHT around the corner...isn't that wild? i'm seriously feeling the pressure of all of it. i'm looking forward to it, but at the same time, i kind of can't wait for all of it to be over. or..i think that is my general feeling of the winter, period. it's so ricockulously cold here, sometimes i wake up and it takes literally hours for me to really be awake....well, no, i'm always like that, but now, with it being so cold, i think it just enhances that.

i'll be heading back to the west coast for the New Year. it will be such a change from the cold and snow. it's so silly, i easily i am influenced by the weather. =P

i'm just rambling. it's time for bed.


  • At 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hi i've seen you in your Myspace

    this is my website

  • At 1:22 PM , Blogger Tim said...

    So, Vanissa, where are you living now? If it's cold and snowy then you must have moved from Vegas.


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